Wednesday, June 3, 2009

To begin . . .

As a teacher-in-training, reflection is more than an eduspeak buzzword, more than a luxury or wishful thinking - it's an immediate necessity. With so much to learn, I can't afford to pass up an opportunity for reflection. I need to process every experience I can.

My experiences may be so common that my stories seem redundant. However, you never know when someone will need to hear what you think - no matter how prosaic or banal it might seem to you. So I'll embark on this blogging experience, describing the scenery and wondering out loud about what may occur along the road.

I'll learn from seeing, here in front of me, just what I'm thinking. I hope to learn more as you contribute your experiences here, about this ambitious journey we're sharing.

1 comment:

  1. Maria, You might enjoy exploring Christopher Sessums' blog. Here is a good post of his that I was reminded of after reading your post here. It's also about blogs and teacher reflection. Enjoy!
