- Trust Versus Mistrust: Can I trust the world? How much disclosure is safe?
- Autonomy Versus Shame: Is it OK to be me? Will I embarrass myself, reveal my ignorance? Or – perhaps worse yet – might I receive no response at all?
- Initiative Versus Guilt: Is it OK for me to do, move, act? Can I bring up sensitive issues? Acknowledge frustrations? Be playful?
- Industry Versus Inferiority: Can I make it in the world? As I realize that my voice is heard, should I invest my time in developing higher-quality posts? Can I make genuinely valuable contributions? Establish a reputation? A readership?
- Identity Versus Diffusion: Who am I? What can I be? Where’s my position in this community? Whom do I want to know better, to be associated with?
- Intimacy Versus Isolation: Can I love? Is it possible for these relationships to deepen into friendship? For us to move beyond our avatars into more authentic human relationships?
- Generativity Versus Self-Absorption: Can I make my life count? Can I support and mentor others who haven’t come as far yet in their professional journeys?
- Integrity Versus Despair: Can I continue to contribute as I attain a plateau of success? Can I learn to feel at home with that success, and with my peers, both new and established?
As emerging educators, we'll find ourselves tentatively advancing along these stages, and it's good to see that we're not alone in the process. Go visit Liz's blog for this great post - and other thoughtful, practical contributions on technology in education.